About the Council

Carno Community Council is at the third tier of government in Wales after (1) the Welsh Government and (2) Local Authorities, in our case Powys County Council.

The number of councillors comprising a Community Council is based on the population in an Electoral District. Carno Community Council has nine Community Councillors who are elected to service for four years. Carno Community Councillors do not receive any remuneration but are entitled to certain expenses. When elected as a Community Councillor, an individual also becomes a Trustee of Carno Community Trust Fund which is responsible for managing benefit accruing from the windfarms in our community.

Meetings take place once a month on the third Tuesday in Carno Community Centre commencing at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting but are not allowed to participate unless invited to do so by the Chair following the agreement of majority of Councillors present.

The Council has one employee who is the Clerk to the Council.

Details of Carno Community Councillors, their contact details and that of the Clerk, can be found in the section ’Councillors’.

While the powers of the Council are limited, Carno Community Council is responsible for managing and financing Carno Cemetery at the Church of St John the Baptist, the Play Areas at the Community Centre and Maes y Dafarn and the Public Convenience.